While installing Debian 7 Wheezy on a Dell 1950 III I encounted the following error
Can’t load firmware file bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-06.2.1.fw
which is caused by the missing broadcom network driver. I fixed this by downloading http://www.theoutpost.org/downloads/firmware-bnx2_20160824-1_all.deb onto a linux machine and extracting the .deb file using
ar vx firmware-bnx2_20160824-1_all.deb
which created
x – debian-binary
x – control.tar.gz
x – data.tar.xz
then extract the data file
tar xf data.tar.xz
which created folders lib and usr.
cd /lib/firmware
Now copy the bnx2 directory into the root of a usb flash drive (it must contain the folder bnx2 folder itself and it’s contents) Now insert into the machine your installing on and hit enter when prompted.