Well just done another speedtest and got
Under 1 meg for £25 per month sucks balls so i’ve signed up with Virgin, bad move? probably but we’ll see.
Call to sales….
Me “I have a few quesitons about your service”
Virgin “OK”
Me “What’s the contention ratio?”
Virgin “What?”
Me “What’s the contention ratio?”
Virgin “err i’ll speak to my techy friend”
(music plays)
Virgin “There isn’t one”
Me “OK, your ad says upto 2 meg what speed will I get?”
Virgin “You’ll definatley get 2 meg as it doesn’t depend on how far away from the exchage you are like ADSL”
Me “Do you throttle bandwidth or have in place any bandwidth management?”
Virgin “Im sorry”
Me “Do you throttle bandwidth or have in place any bandwidth management?”
Virgin “Please Hold”
(more music)
Virgin “No”