Pics message
Pics message
During my dailt read of the metro I found out that MJ died of a heart attack last night. Now although with everything that went on a few years back I still feel a little sadned. I can still remember the copy of bad my cousin had and imaptience to listen to it every time I went round. I even considered going to his UK concert as I was offered a a pair of tickets. What happens now as some people spent vast amounts of money on them. Who gets the refund? The original purchaser? Also the sceptic in me wonders due to all his money problems etc if he's actually really dead? And was he planning this all along and there was never going to be any concerts but simply a rouse to get some money.
random post? That's because I'm about to try rowntrees randoms!
HA4 7, Hillingdon
N 51°35'18.61", W 0°25'05.46"
Oh my god I'm on the platform at baker street and I've just seen people wearing those paper face masks. Do they nor realise they offer little or no protection against swine flu? Or were they wearing it cause they've been to an infected country????
Euston Rd, Camden Town
N 51°31'49.31", W 0°7'24.06"
Posting this from my g1 to see how accurate it is.
N 51°36'01.27", W 0°24'31.43"
My unfitness shone through yesterday. I was leading the second pack up to the half way point but after stopping for refreshments I couldn't get my mojo going and started to fall back. However I did finish so that's something and considering the fact I've done no exercise in months a guess I should feel slightly proud. I really must get myself my own bike.
At 2 today I'll be taking part in a charity bike ride arranged through work. I did it last year without any problems but seeing as I've been office bound for some months I'm really unfit.