I had a situation where I needed to embed a monowall interface stats into a webpage so thought i’d do a quick how to.
Create a user group
Login as an admin and navigate to System > User manager > Groups
Click the + to add a new group Choose a group name and description ie ‘stats’ Scroll down and select the field marked Status: Traffic graph status_graph.php
Click ‘Save’ Click the ‘Users’ tab Click the + to add a new user
Add new user details and under the ‘Group Name’ select the group you just created ie ‘stats’
Click ‘Save’ Navigate to Status > Traffic graph Choose the interface you want to monitor.
Right click on the graph and select ‘View Source’ Search the page ‘Ctrl+F’ for the word ’embed’
Put the embed tag into a webpage with the user details and ip address of your monowall device along with your usernam and password ie
src=”stats@YOUR-IP/graph.php?ifnum=re0&ifname=WAN”” >http://stats:stats@YOUR-IP/graph.php?ifnum=re0&ifname=WAN” etc etc
If you enter stats:stats@YOUR-IP/graph.php?ifnum=re0&ifname=WAN directly into a browser a full page will open showing your graph.